03:06:00 Mulanje Mag 0 Comments

Mulanje Ceder
In Malawi we have various tree species, such as Cyprus, Bamboo Gmelina, These trees are able to survive in various parts of Malawi where they are grown. In Mulanje there is also the most useful tree  called Cedar tree. 
There are two main varieties of cedar tree and these are Mulanje cedar and Widdringtonia noddfllora. The widdringtonia noddfllora can be grown in different areas and it survives. This has been evidenced by  Mr. Matabwa who said that he managed to plant widdringtonia noddfllora in his woodlot.

The other specie of cedar tree is Mulanje cedar as already indicated. Mulanje cedar is Malawi’s national tree. This is because it is found in Mulanje Mountain only. It was declared to be Malawi’s national tree in 1984 by the first president of the republic of Malawi the late Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda. Its scientific name is widringtonia whytei.

Mulanje Mag
In an interview with Mr. Geoffrey Juwao who is responsible for Cedar forest reserves in Mulanje Mountain he said, 'cedar tree matures when it is more than 50 years and it can be 30-40 meters in height. Its leaves are needle shaped and there is a variation of leaves forms the shape of an umbrella which provide a shade for other small cedar trees which grows under it, It also has a romantic smell which makes tourists to forget to go back as they choose to stay closer to it.' He complete by saying that, this tree can only be grown in Mulanje Mountain.

 Mulanje cedar has a lot of uses but but it is commonly used for constructions and making curios, this is because it is resistant to termite attack and exposes to water. Though it is important, when it has been affected with fire it easily wilts and the most problem affecting this tree is that some bad citizens are cutting them down illegally.

Mr. Geoffrey Juwao reported that ,’people have tried to plant Mulanje Cedar but before reaching at a height of 3 meters  it dies this is because the climate that is found in Mulanje mountain differs from any other climate.
In his remarks, he said that, ‘as of know they have 13 nurseries of cedar trees which they want to increase the population of cedar mainly at our beautiful scenery of Mulanje Mountain’.  

   Written by Marvel Chifunilo Kamoto                      


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